Spiel #697 Turnierspiel#22 | Round 3 : Live MP Beginner Tournament 2017 #22

Wintermute vs  El_Lobo


Rating 2 - Gutes Spiel
Anzahl der Spieler:2
Art des Reportes:Live MP Beginner Tournament 2017
Kind of game:   Live-Multiplayer
Spiel-wert: 39
Resultat Spieler Classes Races Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 WintermuteDreadnoughtHumans125120hier
2 El_LoboNecromancerTigrans200-24hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:
Veröffentlicht am Wed, 06 Dec 2017 15:39:52 +0100

Confirmed by Wintermute
Game was not easy for me rfom start: no healers, lost first stack = very bad farming... but i made nice economy & was quick enough to build 2 cannons (saved me). Big combat was annoing with crushes, but 3rd try was ok. About stunning giant - chance was 25% x3 shoots, possible i think. Didnt saw any banshee (they effective against machines), sphinxes. But at all ElLobo had very strong stack farmed to elite (well done!), also 3 necro heroes (lucky, usually i can get only 2 playing by necro)
Thanks ElLobo for interesting game) 
P.S. connect to discord chat, will play again)

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 06 Dec 2017 02:41:40 +0100

Confirmed by El_Lobo
I think I had an advantage during the game especially regarding the statistics at the end but I did also too many mistakes. Forgot to give out all the items I claimed and spend the upgrade points (5 on my frist hero and 7 on my leader) before the big clash. Wintermute got also very lucky stunning my elite fire giant 3 rounds in a row. All in all it was winnable but this time fortuna wasn't with me. Congrats to Wintermute for this revenge of our first round.
And of course he had a lucky choice with the dreadnought against my lifestealing undead...

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 06 Dec 2017 00:31:00 +0100

697 | Age of Wonders 3

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 05 Dec 2017 07:25:13 +0100


In case of a disconnect, see rules for the Live Mp Tournament:

10. In case of disconnection on important battle, save the game. Player who didn't disconnect gets to decide whether to redo the fight, do the fight auto resolve or disband previously dead units on both sides. If it's unclear which side disconnected, call judge. 

Basically what this means is that you should either: Do exactly the same moves which lead up to the disconnection, or you can disband the already dead units and do the battle from the start, alternatively if it was only the beginning of the fight and no tactical advantage was gained, start from the beginning with new moves allowed.

If you can not agree on any of above steps, last resort is to auto resolve the battle.

Veröffentlicht am Mon, 23 Oct 2017 17:41:47 +0200

Round 2 has started
you have 2 weeks to play your match gl hf