Spiel #701 | Rematch Bears vs Hamster/Panda

Jean_de_Metz vs  HellBrick vs  Skuns453Lirik902 vs  xlnt


Rating 2 - Gutes Spiel
Anzahl der Spieler:4
Kind of game:   PBEM
Spiel-wert: 64
Resultat Spieler Classes Races Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 Jean_de_MetzTheocratOrcs1800hier
1 HellBrickDreadnoughtDwarves135170hier
2 Skuns453Lirik902SorcererDraconians2-110-30hier
2 xlntRogueHumans2-100-30hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:
Veröffentlicht am Sun, 10 Dec 2017 07:54:43 +0100

Confirmed by Skuns453Lirik902
Confirmed by Skuns453Lirik902

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 09 Dec 2017 21:15:16 +0100

Confirmed by xlnt
Confirmed by xlnt

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 04 Nov 2017 13:04:20 +0100

A heads-up: following up on the new version of the balance mod, an update to PBEM++ has been released to Steam. You can see the details in the change log, tl;dr: we've added the Gas masks upgrade to Dreadnought heroes that was supposed to be shipped with v1.22 of the balance mod, but unexpectedly didn't make it due to time constraints.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 26 Oct 2017 12:06:39 +0200

To all
I will go to the vacation from 1-st to 8-th of November. I'll try to play my turns in time, but it might be delays during this period. So I'll be appreciate you, Jean, if you will not turn on the timer this period.  Sorry, guys, for this

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 25 Oct 2017 18:53:37 +0200

Hlnt, I was really thinking that we were winning this game...then I found out you had a complete floating stack of fairies XD
So now it's me who is running away and, I guess, you're still a favorite in the match. 

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 25 Oct 2017 11:43:35 +0200

): sorry to hear that Jean - i could say this is because you attacked my poor knights baaaat it would not help i guess

speedy recovery man and don't worry about the game - there will be others, as i just have to find a way to beat you two

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:40:48 +0200

To Jean
Very sorry to hear this. But the health is more important thing so we will wait when you'll recuperate. Don't hurry up because a disease may return if a patient is not fully recovering.
I wish you all the best. I hope you'll get well soon <smiletext24> 

Поправляйся.   И береги глаза 

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 17 Oct 2017 20:12:56 +0200

I have to inform you, guys, that unfortunately I got a quite severe conjunctivitis and I'm recommended not to use pc at all till the disease is gone. So I'll make a short break in turns now. 

I'm gonna turn off the timer.
I'm sorry.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:38:32 +0200

To xlnt
Thanks, my friend. But it's not needing to turn off the timer - I can play this session at my working PC. I can't play on it our tourney session because working PC has a problem and can close the game at any moment (I don't want to get Ironman notification at the tourney  ).

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 11 Oct 2017 20:29:44 +0200

i saw it but in our tournament game Skuns said he may not be able to play until Saturday ):
i don't care for the points here but this game really has the potential to be good for us and maybe a little bit harder for you two to win (i hope we can give you a good fight this time) - so please turn off the timer.

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:01:03 +0200

I hope everyone has already noticed that turn timer is on now <smiletext0>

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 04 Oct 2017 19:11:28 +0200

To all
Jean, maybe you're right about turn timer. 2-day timer is better for me. Sorry for unforeseen delays because of I was some busy 

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 04 Oct 2017 01:28:16 +0200

I have to say that I'm willing to either turn on the turn timer (1 or 2 days, up to you) or just finish this game. Skuns, you play your turns too slow =)) so that I can't follow the actions in the game. 

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 22 Sep 2017 05:59:04 +0200

To all
Hi, guys. 
I must inform you that I'm going to the vacation trip from 24-th of September to 1-st of October. I'll try to play my turns as soon as possible but maybe I'll have not an internet connection there at all at this period. Sorry for a possible delays.   

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 04 Aug 2017 20:15:51 +0200

To all
xlnt forgot as usual to uncheck the team setting for messages at this site so I have to re-send his last message to you, guys  

xlnt(Team of Bears)  2017/08/04

hey guys 

time for me to take a rest - i will be back after 2 weeks 

@xlnt  I wish you to have a good holidays <smiletext23>

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 21:34:33 +0200

i see - good points, thanks for the explanation. i will try to test if fast research of a combat heavy spec can open a OP tech - like summon t4 unit. i joined the game but i will choose a combo tomorow - i want to have some time to think about what i want to test.

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 17:08:12 +0200

Regarding casting spells on your teammates' cities: there has always been a lot of spells that are allowed to be used like this, but there wasn't really any visible logic to the split between the casters-cities-only spells and friendly-cities-supported spells. Mana fuel cells was allowed to be casted on an allies' cities, while Iron grip wasn't. Glyph of warding was, Poison domain wasn't. And these are just the most illogical examples off the top of my head =) What made it even worse is there was no way to know for sure which category the spell falls into before actually trying to cast it. Allowing to use all city enchantments to boost your allies makes the system less confusing and possibly unlocks new interesting synergies for the team games. Both of these sound like good things to us =)

Regarding the combat spell prices: well, the combat spells were never really researched with the old RP costs anyway. The nature of PBEM + the fact that leader's CP are scarce enough as they are because of the need to cast scouts and occasional strategic spells have been leading to a very weird situation where it's easier to get mid-level tactical spells for the heroes, while researching them for your leader is simply not worth it. Let's take an Ancestral spirits spell as an example: it's an awesome combat spell that I use all the time by my AD heroes, but I've never had a real chance to research it for my AD leader. This is yet another example of the original balance being shifted more towards using your random heroes instead of the class you're actually playing with. We believe this is not the way the game is supposed to work and we're trying to do something about it =)

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 16:35:55 +0200

profit doesn't always equal balance and single element sphere (which means fire basically) is fine as it is right now (profit-wise). there are other considerations to be had here - easy research and going over combat spells quickly to be able to get some other tech for example. or being able to access different answers for creeps too easy and always pray on negative race resistances

we'll see how this goes

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 15:40:43 +0200

I forgot to tell you the password: zoo <smiletext0>
As to the combat spells: the idea was to get a damaging combat spell from the beginning of the game. This makes the value of single fire/air/water spheres (and etc). For example, I take dreadnought and want to have something apart from flash bang which can damage, for example, phantasmal warrior. I take 1 fire - get fire ball => profit <smiletext1>

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 14:20:35 +0200

This mode does a lot more then just replace the currents - i didn't know that. Not sure if i like the idea of off-class spells on towns - seems too strong, but let's test it anyway. Having a lot of cheap combat spells is kinda strange too. With the exception of slayers' doubt, stiffen limbs and heals - i never bothered with researching those and always used what was available. It's counterproductive to have many spells to cast in combat due to the nature of player battles and given the level of stupid the AI is set to... i will join tonight - 5 hours from now (;

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:52:00 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Rematch Bears vs Hamster/Panda
Another 2-2 match between Team of Bears and Hellbrick/Jean_de_Metz. Once again, we are playing on standard settings which match the tournament ones. But this time apart from PBEM Balance mode we have agreed to test Hellbrick's one. Here is the link:
In order to enter the game you need to have both modes enabled: PBEM Balance mode and this one.
Here are the screenshots of the settings:

Good luck and have fun <smiletext0>

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:52:00 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch Bears vs Hamster/Panda
xlnt joined !!

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:51:41 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch Bears vs Hamster/Panda
Skuns453Lirik902 joined !!

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 23 Jun 2017 00:51:21 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch Bears vs Hamster/Panda
HellBrick joined !!