Partie #1040

xlnt vs  novograd

Détails du match

Note 2 - Bonne partie
Nombre de joueurs:2
Kind of game:   PBEM
Valeur de partie : 42
Résultat Joueur Classes Races Équipe Points Points supplémentaires Points non gagnés Quitteur Evaluer
1 xlntRogueHumans2700aqui
2 novogradArchdruidElves100-24aqui
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
Publié le Sun, 01 Sep 2019 08:58:44 +0200

Confirmed by xlnt
I had a somewhat funny start that suggested i go DreadReapr and make a lot of towns - finished with 5 + 2 dwellings while getting the bard engine online. Scouting as always proved enough to beat a class that has no t1 summon (with fly).

Even the bigger tournament map can't save those classes from ~10 ravens
I am switching to PF but i would vote we nerf the t1 fly even more

Publié le Wed, 28 Aug 2019 18:39:07 +0200

Confirmed by novograd
Confirmed by novograd