Spiel #2

Griffith vs  Munataros vs  Tjockisknut vs  kireruad


Anzahl der Spieler:4
Spiel-wert: 54
Resultat Spieler Classes Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 GriffithDreadnought153260hier
2 MunatarosTheocrat23216-50hier
3 TjockisknutWarlord300-82hier
4 kireruadArchdruid400-82hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:

Was an easyrolling game. I got a good start with 2 cities pretty close to me. I had some trouble with 2 minute turns, so we changed it to 3mins around turn 25, and defeated kireruad soon after. Munataros surprise attacked Tjock and he was gone too. Seems Tjock was heading to my middle cities, since i found a pile of artifacts close to my borders. We then had final fight with Muna. I tried to make it interesting by leaving few of my stacks out, but it seemed my Glutton was too much for him to handle. (It swallowed 4 guys in a row) GG guys.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100

2 | Age of Wonders 3
Was an easyrolling game. I got a good start with 2 cities pretty close to me. I had some trouble with 2 minute turns, so we changed it to 3mins around turn 25, and defeated kireruad soon after.

Munataros surprise attacked Tjock and he was gone too. Seems Tjock was heading to my middle cities, since i found a pile of artifacts close to my borders.

We then had final fight with Muna. I tried to make it interesting by leaving few of my stacks out, but it seemed my Glutton was too much for him to handle. (It swallowed 4 guys in a row)

GG guys.