Partie #726 | A newboy
IIaanor vs RedChameleon
Détails du match
Résultat | Joueur | Classes | Races | Équipe | Points | Points supplémentaires | Points non gagnés | Quitteur | Evaluer |
1 | IIaanor | Archdruid | Halflings | 1 | 25 | 12 | 0 | aqui | |
2 | RedChameleon | Archdruid | Elves | 2 | 0 | 0 | -25 | aqui |
Les messages affichés sur le jeu:
IIaanor won at turn 45 after RedChameleon surrendered. In previous turn, RedChameleons leader was killed with Iiaanors secondary army meanwhile IIaanor main stack moved closer to RedChameleons Throne city. IIaanor was able to get Prime Good and Eternal City Empire Quests. Was close to Multiculture.
Confirmed by RedChameleon
726 | Age of Wonders 3
Système de notification
A newboy
Pass: tiger.
PBEM mod 1.22, Max heroes: 2, arctic and blighted terrain tuned down.
Système de notification
Information A newboy