Spiel #761 | Rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a rematch

HellBrick vs  Jean_de_Metz vs  xlnt vs  Skuns453Lirik902


Rating 3 - Normal Spiel
Anzahl der Spieler:4
Kind of game:   PBEM
Spiel-wert: 65
Resultat Spieler Classes Races Team Punkte Extra Punkte Nicht gewonnene Punkte Quitter Bewerte
1 HellBrickRogueHalflings11100hier
1 Jean_de_MetzWarlordGoblins1600hier
2 xlntDreadnoughtFrostlings2-80-30hier
2 Skuns453Lirik902RogueTigrans2-90-30hier
Beiträge zum Spiel:
Veröffentlicht am Sat, 17 Mar 2018 09:19:36 +0100

Confirmed by xlnt
i was trying to abuse another good pike unit + life steal but ended up with a good number of support shooters (witches)

the map was not perfect, i had to run in the middle and was almost certain to find some opposition  
i also had my forces divided ... as usual... so HellBrick bravely (i wouldn't have done it - but i don't know how good their scouting was) marched in. I was getting my army together and backing off a little while getting robots out and wondering why HellBrick is trying to lose the game

then comes one turn where my capitol is taken and my leader dies in the beggining of a battle i was so sure i will always win ):

sorry for being so lame in this game

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 16 Mar 2018 18:21:58 +0100

Confirmed by Skuns453Lirik902
Confirmed by Skuns453Lirik902

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 30 Dec 2017 17:33:56 +0100

To all
Hi, friends.  
I must inform you that I'm going to vacation from 31-st of December till 8-th of January. I'll try to play my turns in time but maybe I'll be unavailable to play. Sorry for possible delays   

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 18:25:05 +0100

sorry guys - i was waiting for a chat with Skuns about what race/class combo we want to play

i entered the game and picked a place and then didn't finish choosing my leader - nothing to report (:

p.s. we can start the game now - GL and HF

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 08:35:18 +0100

According to Marcus, this can happen either if the player hasn't finished customizing the leader (which means he needs to finish it obviously) or if the player has been moved either by the host or by himself, in which case the player needs to select his position in order to confirm it. xlnt, can you try doing whatever's appropriate for the situation to see if we can launch the game or indeed have to rehost?

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 08:19:51 +0100

Nope, I didn't screw with the slots. As a matter of fact, I did nothing except hosting the game and waiting for the people to join =)

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 08:13:12 +0100

You probably changed his slot? That doesn't work very well, basically the slot a player joins in cannot be changed, except by rehosting (sometimes it's work but it's very buggy).

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 07:35:31 +0100

The game says xlnt is not ready, is this the way it's supposed to be or did something went wrong?

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 14 Dec 2017 17:51:30 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a rematch
I guess it's time for another round =)

Game title: Jean & HB vs xInt & Skuns
Password: 2x2


Veröffentlicht am Thu, 14 Dec 2017 17:51:30 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a rematch
Skuns453Lirik902 joined !!

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 14 Dec 2017 17:51:14 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a rematch
xlnt joined !!

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 14 Dec 2017 17:50:35 +0100
System Benachrichtung

Information Rematch of a rematch of a rematch of a rematch
Jean_de_Metz joined !!