- Letzte 10 Ergebnisse von AOW3 Players-

Elysian Ergebnisse


Spiel#3 | 2vs2vs2vs2 team game
Gespielt: 2018-10-15Anzahl der Menschl. Spieler: 8
Reportart: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Spielwert: 83
ErgebnisSpielerClassesRacesTeamPunkteExtra PunkteNicht erreichte PunkteQuitterBewerte


Written on 2018-10-25 20:09:27

@skuns i hosted a new 2v2
evryone welcome

Written on 2018-10-16 23:36:57

@Dread  I know you are hungry for matches <smiletext0>  but for me multi-games are too slow to play them. So if it will be start a new one, I can join only with 4 or, as maximum, 6 players match
P.S. Recent times I was unlucky in duel matches, so I join such matches rarely.

Written on 2018-10-16 21:59:18


Written on 2018-10-15 21:54:00

Tough Fight.  Skuns and Marky had bad luck with bad partners in the game.  And yet they fought on, classy.  They would have made a good team.

Skuns was first to invade me and caused quite a bit of economic damage.  Dread and Blackcat invaded lightforms cities and did quite a bit of economic damage as well.  We held them off and eventually invaded them in kind.  Dread mass produced very powerful buffed Monster Hunters and of course he had is usual unkillable leader.  It took 2 of our unkillable leaders to kill his.  Light and I were concerned dread would mass produce manticores and I think that would have been the better option. 

True resurrect helped me a lot with early T4 convert and then converts on heros.  Lightform actually asked me to stop using True resurrect (OP), which I did, but the AI battles then used it.   I had leader and 7 Heros in a game with max 3 heros although one of those was a hero that surrendered to me.  And one of those heros had 30 melee strike, not including equipment.

After Dread and Blackcat were eliminated that left Skuns by himself and not many players can take on 2 equal or bigger empires by themselves so it was just a matter of time. 

Fantastic.  looking forward to another multi game.

Written on 2018-10-15 21:08:36

Ricky's starting position was very defensive. In the upper right corner at UG. Only weak Red was too close to him. But Red had decided to move his stacks to the wrong way. So Ricky could build his empire with no worries. Though I don't understand his movement to the east with only one leader's stack. So, obvious, he lost his leader =) And only then he start to grow his empire.
And I must admit - Lightform is very strong player. He built unkillable stack (5 units with 1 or 2 T3) which could clear almost any difficult site. Except may be only Castle of the Lich King. And it could be killed by 2 full stack of T2 units, I think. 
As for me I still can't build so unkillable stack. <smiletext6>  

Written on 2018-10-15 20:47:49

@Hiliadan  No, the report is correct. Dread was in the team with Blackcat. Though Blackcat wanted play with Mark - Dread had decided by another way.

@Dread  Well, I was afraid the moment when manticores will rise <smiletext1>  And this moment never came <smiletext23>  Also the map and teams starting positions (by distribution of forces) were not so ideal. 

Here is the score: Lost.jpg

Written on 2018-10-15 16:52:41

Played the match alone against three 2on2 Teams.

Was rushed from two Players from south and east (lost 2-3 cities in the first rush). I think Dreadreapr played the second rush and has beaten me, had no Chance against him.

Written on 2018-10-15 16:04:59

Wait, what were the teams?
The initial report said Dread was with Blackcat. Were you with Skuns?

Written on 2018-10-15 14:40:39

I should have tech to manticores instead of spamming monster hunters. Sry skuns 

Written on 2018-10-15 14:00:09

Ok, I will know that to use it in the future. But such method is not so informative about ingame history <smiletext6>
 And yes, congrats for our winners. <smiletext23> But they were killed my leader very fast and too easy    

Written on 2018-10-15 13:50:25

I edited the report. For team games, team must be reported as 1 player. So Skuns + RedChameleon = same result/position. So you need to check when an entire team is eliminated, not when individual players are eliminated.

Congratz rickyroo & Lightform!

Written on 2018-10-15 13:45:22

Written on 2017-03-11 21:07:16

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Age of Wonders 3

Still quite new to this game and would really like to try some new classes vs actual humans. Add me on steam 'Natnat' with bear avatar so we sort out a good time. Cheers.

I will pick normal tourney settings.

Written on 2017-01-10 06:01:44

Elysian joined !!

Spiel#2 | 4 Player FFA
Gespielt: 2017-10-28Anzahl der Menschl. Spieler: 4
Reportart: ffaenKind of game: PBEM
Spielwert: 60
ErgebnisSpielerClassesRacesTeamPunkteExtra PunkteNicht erreichte PunkteQuitterBewerte


Written on 2017-10-30 08:59:05

Confirmed by Ezekiel

Written on 2017-10-30 02:25:39

Confirmed by Olop

Written on 2017-10-29 23:04:05

Loved this game--epic in development length, and the opponents were enjoyable & challenging to be sure.  Thanks.

Written on 2017-10-29 03:28:50

Congratz for beating Ezekiel!

Written on 2017-10-28 23:51:25

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2017-03-11 21:07:16

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Age of Wonders 3

Still quite new to this game and would really like to try some new classes vs actual humans. Add me on steam 'Natnat' with bear avatar so we sort out a good time. Cheers.

I will pick normal tourney settings.

Written on 2017-01-10 06:01:44

Elysian joined !!

Spiel#1 | 1v1 Live game
Gespielt: 2017-03-11Anzahl der Menschl. Spieler: 2
Reportart: ffaenKind of game: Live-Multiplayer
Spielwert: 37
ErgebnisSpielerClassesRacesTeamPunkteExtra PunkteNicht erreichte PunkteQuitterBewerte


Written on 2017-04-20 11:01:27

Confirmed by Elysian

Written on 2017-03-11 21:07:16

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Written on 2017-03-11 21:07:16

Match has been reported, please confirm!

Age of Wonders 3

Still quite new to this game and would really like to try some new classes vs actual humans. Add me on steam 'Natnat' with bear avatar so we sort out a good time. Cheers.

I will pick normal tourney settings.

Written on 2017-01-10 06:01:44

Elysian joined !!

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