Aktuelles Spiel Challenge #3 (Organisator DreadReapr) - PBEM Spiel

Durch die Eintragung der Werte von Spielern (Leader, Zivilisation, Klassen), werden nach Beendigung des Spiels durch den Report die Meta-Statistiken ergänzt.

Pos. Spielername Spielzeit ClassesRacesTeam Bewerte
1 DreadReapr0:00-0:001hier
2 AlXStormrage20:00-0:002hier
Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 17:57:07 +0200

I've surrendered as I don't see point in this game any longer.

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 14:53:54 +0200


Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 12:42:58 +0200

Alright, what are we doing now then? are we reverting the turn?

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 11:43:11 +0200

Ok, that's really strange. If that happens again, would be good to report it to Triumph so that they can check on the server side to fix the issues.

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 11:34:54 +0200

When you have several matches this can happen. The email subject line can get mixed up, so it will tell you your turn is ready in match A, but in the information in the email its regarding match B.

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 24 Dec 2017 01:45:10 +0200

no that happened randomly

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 23 Dec 2017 20:31:06 +0200

That's really weird Dread, especially the " i had some "my turn" email" about a match then i launch the game and i see its not my turn yet".
Regarding the lack of emails, does it happen against specific opponents (like Lightform)?

Veröffentlicht am Sat, 23 Dec 2017 15:19:45 +0200

i'd like to mention that in certain matches sometimes i dnt receive email about my turn, also i had some "my turn" email" about a match then i launch the game and i see its not my turn yet. i dnt know if this is relevant to this problem.

Veröffentlicht am Fri, 22 Dec 2017 22:59:31 +0200

@Dread, Marcus and Hillia said their opinion and I tend to agree that it's best no to report such game, however, if you have false-positives in different games, data and logs must be sent to riot for this to look into. I doubt we'll getting anything now, but at least in the future.

As for the in-game, I wrote you a while before my turn ended to stop the game, yet, it was only stopped when my turn ended. The right thing would be to revert the turn.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 21 Dec 2017 18:52:39 +0200

Just FYI, both me and Hiliadan replied, and I think that should be enough. As this is not a tournament game, our "power" is next to none, and we discussed more the appearance of restarts in games than this specific game. As we don't want to get involved in restarts on this level, to hand out "warnings" or "recommendations" on free for all games.

I think our general recommendation is to make this game a non-reported game based on the timing of the "restart message", be a false-positive or not.

Basically, its up to you guys to decide what you want to do, but I personally think that Dreadreapr is honest when he say that he wasn't aware of the restart warning, hence the silence on his part.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 21 Dec 2017 17:43:47 +0200

this is the second time that happens with me, i dnt restart my turn or had a crash yet u get this "restart" notification.
i know it sounds like a lie, its your choice to beleive or not. let me know what u want to do.

i think in our game i was escaping your giant stack and canons so i dnt understand why u think im trying a combat with ur or smthing.

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 20 Dec 2017 22:44:52 +0200

I've asked Hilladan, Marcus and Fist to comment on this situation.

Veröffentlicht am Wed, 20 Dec 2017 00:01:17 +0200

now this is serious problem here, i never restarted my turn... i played my turn normally without any notifications

Veröffentlicht am Tue, 19 Dec 2017 22:11:23 +0200

@DreadReaper, please disable the timer!!!

Veröffentlicht am Sun, 17 Dec 2017 16:44:53 +0200

@Dreadreaper, is there a reason you've restarted the game?

I remind you that as we're already engaged in the full-scale combat (and at the moment are engaging in tactical maneuvers near each other), reload, and reload without even a single notice to your opponent, should and is in fact treated as a reload without proof, e.g. cheating.  

EDIT: please remove timer, I am not playing my turn until I hear the opinion of veteran members of community.

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 02 Nov 2017 16:02:51 +0200

Game Hosted: Dread Vs AIX
pass: Dread

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 02 Nov 2017 10:35:31 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Challenge #3
Balance mod:  

Turn timer = 3 days  
Medium Map with Surface and Underground on Continents  
Normal Game flow speed  

Start town: Village  
Starting units: Medium  
Starting distance: Far  
Roads: Few  
Roaming units: Average  
Treasures: Average  
Cities: Few  
Dwellings: Few  
Ressource structures: Average  
Visit structure: Average  
Treasure structures: Average  

Water Slider at 25%  
Undiggable walls and Diggable Wall Sliders down to 15%  
All other sliders left untouched at standard 50 %  

Ironman Mode: on  
Seal Victory: off  
Unifier Victory: at 2 Beacons  
Tactical Combat Mode - Against AI: Always Ask  

Game speed: Normal  
Starting Resource: Standard  
Starting Skills: Normal  
All Heroes Have Resurgence: Never  
Defenders Strength: Strong  
Cosmic Events: Medium  
Maximum Number of Heroes: 2 (1 Leader + 2 heroes)  
Maximum Heroes Level: 13  

Map Exploration: On  
City Founding: On  
Random heroes match player race: Off  
Empire Quests: On  

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 02 Nov 2017 10:35:31 +0200
System Benachrichtung

Information Challenge #3
AlXStormrage joined !!

Veröffentlicht am Thu, 02 Nov 2017 08:06:06 +0200

Hey Dread,

Are you ok with me joining the match? I had become rusty in the duels, so would like to get some excercise 😊